We had our LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! last Friday and it's time to let the summertime fun roll!!!  :) Sort of.  I'll be home this summer with my son, and as much as I'd love to just "go with the flow" each day, that doesn't really work for us.  We pretty much do that on weekends and I cherish those days.  In fact, on Saturday we stayed in pj's until 6pm when we had to get ready to attend a dance recital.  But, on the weekdays, there is still a lot going on, like PTO meetings, swim and karate lessons, my Dad's doctor appointments, workouts, and my blogs to take care of.  Not to mention all the regular household chores and duties.   

I remember reading Jen's (I Heart Organizing) Summer Schedule post a couple years ago when my son was just about 2 years old.  I loved that she had a general routine for the day, because that's what works best for my son and our family too.  I haven't written out a schedule specifically for my son, but I was getting a little freaked out about how I would fit everything in this summer and juggle it all, so I found a great weekly planner that I can write out all of our appointments for the week on, and then I can see where the "downtime" is and we can relax and enjoy those times.

Since I'm still working out with my trainer Monday - Friday mornings, and there is no daycare at the gym, my son will go to a day-camp with lots of his preschool friends in the mornings in June.  This camp was highly recommended by friends of ours who have gone there before and I'm sure my son will have a great time playing with his friends in the morning, and then I can pick him up around lunchtime and be home with him the rest of the day.  

We don't have a particular schedule for the afternoon, but I have complied a list of activities that I think we'd enjoy if we need something "to do."  I asked my son what HE wanted to do this summer and he said, "go to the park, have a picnic with a big tree and shade, play soccer and basketball" and then he lost focus and started telling me about storm troopers.  So is life with a 4 year-old.  Later, (especially if he doesn't go to camp in July or Aug) I may pick specific outings and calendar them in advance . . . but not just yet.  I also have a few bigger projects around the house I want to complete this summer. 

How many calendars/schedules can one person keep?  In my house, I use (gulp) FOUR:  

1.  One large YEARLY CALENDAR in the kitchen.  This is where I put important dates (things that pertain to school, holidays, outings) that all of us can see at a glance.  I printed out these calendar pages at the beginning of the year (free download) and it's been GREAT having them up.  I keep meaning to put numbers on top "2014" but obviously haven't gotten to that!

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