I got a little crafty over the weekend and made a felt ball garland. You can buy a pretty 6-foot felt ball garland at Land of Nod, but it's $20 plus shipping, so I ordered 50 colorful felt balls from Ebay ($13.75 with free shipping) and made my own. It only took a few minutes to thread all the balls and it came out to at least six feet.
This garland is perfect for the holidays, but for now, it's decorating the bright red mirror in my son's room. I sort of winged-it for how the garland would hang and used big push-pins to hold the garland in place.
My son has my decorating/organizing gene and is pretty particular about how things are kept in his room. I love the set-up on his dresser because it reflects some of what this 4 1/2 year old is into right now (legos, Star Wars, Mickey Mouse, and dressing up - those are doggie ears he got at a recent birthday party on the lamp). The lamp is from Joss & Main.
We collected and painted the rocks together over the summer and he's since added to his collection. He lines them up this way and I dare not touch them- he'll notice if even one is out of place from how he left them!
We rearranged the room a while ago, so now the mirror sits over his dresser to the left when you walk in the room. The mirror is from Lowe's (I think), but it was originally silver (hanging in my office), and I spray painted it red with this glossy red spray paint
Pretty cool, huh?!
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