I mentioned yesterday in my Father's Day Gift Guide post that we are already into our first official week of summer vacation, but I feel like it still hasn't quite sunken in yet.  I'm still in "go-mode", partly because I've got six weeks to go on my bikini contest prep, and also since we've not really settled into those long, lazy summer days yet.  I know they're coming and I welcome them!!  It takes us awhile to get used to not having to be go, go, go . . . 

Since I don't want our summer to be stressed with rigid schedules, I'm just incorporating a few simple routines into our day that will, hopefully, get us started on the right foot and end the day in a peaceful way.  I'm all for unstructured, play-it-by-ear summer days, but I also know that I get stressed out if things are too out of control for too long.  Finding the right balance for my family is what works over here.

Right now, three days a week, my son is going to day camp for part of the day and I head out to train with my trainer, so we need to be out the door at 8 a.m.  Which leads me to our morning routine . . . 


Good Morning Coffee

Not a day goes by that I don't start my morning off with a great cup of coffee.  I'm an admitted coffee lover and enjoy that early morning quiet time so much.  We've ended up with two awesome coffee makers, a Nespresso for a blog review and a fancy Jura as a Christmas gift my husband came home with a couple years ago.  Both are just awesome and make delicious coffee.  The only downside with the Nespresso is that the pods are $1.10 each and I found myself going broke ordering them, so I've slowed way down on them.  You can't beat the quick convenience of them though! 

Summer Morning Routine - Nespresso coffee | Honey We're Home

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