After over 4 years of blogging an average of 4 days a week (and a second blog to boot!), I've gotten into a groove with the process I go through when writing a blog post.  My method and hours have changed from the days when I blogged late-night after work from my couch, and now I blog pretty much exclusively from my bright home office while my son is in preschool.  I outlined my blogging process for you below and it breaks down to 10 steps that I generally follow every time I sit down to write a blog post.  This post is geared mainly towards my fellow "home" or "DIY" bloggers, but bloggers in other niches can certainly benefit from this process.

1. generate ideas 

As a blogger, having an ongoing list of blog topics and ideas is critical for keeping your blog going.  Readers like consistent content and want to see fresh ideas being shared regularly.  Keeping a "Master List" has been helpful for making me feel like my ideas are contained in one place and helping me "remember" ideas I'd otherwise forget. I tend to jot things down in several places and then add them to my Master List later.  I also use the "Notes" function on my iPhone for jotting down blog ideas on the go.  

Since I'm mainly a "home blogger" most of my blog ideas are generated right from my house.  I have an idea of things I want to do to improve the look or function of our house and that provides a lot of the content for my blog.  You can go from room to room in your home to brainstorm ideas for things you'd like to improve/decorate/organize.  Remember, this is just a "dream list" of ideas to help get you going, you don't have to execute them all immediately or ever. 

I'm constantly tearing out pages from magazines, browsing Pinterest, Instagram, blogs, and home sites to see what's new or catches my eye.  I often take screen shots with my phone to save an image for a future writing point.  

People love to see seasonal content as well, so if you have holiday ideas, those make great blog posts.

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