I'm so grateful for the friendships blogging has brought into my life.  You might know that I met two of my closest friends (Cassie and Courtney), though this blog.  We all began blogging about the same time and met early on and just clicked.  We are all unique and different in our own ways, but the three of us together just fit.    They are like the sisters I've never had.  Since we are scattered throughout the country, we keep up mostly via email and phone chats- and LOTS of text messages.  Last week, we were thrilled to get to meet up in person in New York for Lowe's Holiday Ready Home event.  And we also got to meet up with Jen, whom we all love and whose blog we get to contribute to.  I felt truly blessed to make this trip because I didn't get to go to Haven and this trip just came together in a couple of weeks. 

Cassie and I arrived first on Tuesday afternoon, so we had a little time to explore Times Square and Rockefeller Center like tourists with our big cameras.  Cassie did a fashion recap on her blog, she's a master at putting outfits together.  I have those same camo pants and would never have came up with that outfit. 

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